
EP006 Cardamom Coffee

Inside the cardamom capsule are the seeds, that give it its characteristic taste; mainly volatile oils that taste a bit like eucalyptus. When put in coffee, they create ever-changing oily textures on it’s surface. It makes the coffee more digestible and neutralizes the caffeine. It tastes a bit paradox. But eventually the taste becomes something else. A special blend that is neither the one nor the other.

ele & bīsu’s music goes back to studio sessions fueled by cardamom coffee. It’s preparation has been a steady ritual that accompanied the making of the EP. It is the random seeming details and procedures like this that form artistic processes and inspiration. Some day, they might even become an image for a type of experience greater than the individual memory.

Available on spotify and soundcloud 

Artwork: Omar Tara

Mastering: Robert Trifunović